Calculating the Cost of Downtime in your Business

How Much Will Not Having A Backup Plan Cost You?

When technology outages happen you end up out of the game. This downtime is expensive. But how expensive? Computer Resources of America has prepared this white paper, “Calculating the Cost of Downtime in Your Business” to answer exactly that question. Learn the formula to calculate how much downtime could cost your business if you don’t have a backup plan in place. This white paper answers:

  • What are the causes of downtime?
  • What is the cost of downtime?How can businesses prevent downtime?
  • How do  backup plans provide financial control?

The Scary Truths About Downtime And Its Related Costs

Businesses are aware that outages occur but not nearly enough have thought deeply on this. Be a company that understands the implicit danger in downtime and has a plan. From data backup to recovery plans, this is vital to your business. Why? Because 40% of businesses that execute a disaster backup plan go out of businesses in one year.


That’s 40% of businesses WITH a plan.


Despite this, 98% of businesses do not backup all of their data. Backing up some is a bad idea. Disasters aren’t discriminating so who knows what you’ll lose. Additionally, 70% of surveyed business employees stated they do not believe that their “backup and disaster recovery operates are well managed and planned.” Companies are aware of the risk but most still choose to do nothing.


Do something.

Download The White Paper

Get your copy of “Calculating the Cost of Downtime in Your Business” today to gain full understanding of the risk your business is at, per hour, and how and why to develop a solid plan.


Computer Resources of America posts valuable information on its blog about the importance of disaster recovery. Our experts are here to help you assess your current plan and help you develop one that will help get you into the 60% of businesses who do not shutter after an outage.

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