NYC IT Staffing Services.

The demand for skilled IT professionals is higher than ever in the fast-paced digital business world, where organizations must rely heavily on technology to stay competitive and efficient. IT staffing services like Computer Resources of America can play a critical role in meeting this demand, ensuring that companies have access to the right talent to drive their technological initiatives.

It's no secret to say that successful business initiatives depend on the quality of the people driving them. Our IT staffing services allow companies to surpass their business goals while still maintaining financial control. Whether a company needs experts in cybersecurity, software development, or network administration, Computer Resources of America provides a pool of pre-vetted specialists ready to step in and contribute immediately. This rapid deployment of talent can help businesses avoid the lengthy and often costly hiring process, allowing them to maintain productivity and stay on schedule with their projects.

As one of New York City’s leading IT staffing companies, Computer Resources of America provides exceptional IT staffing solutions to clients across various industries—no matter your IT needs or challenges. Our IT staffing solutions offer companies serious flexibility, enabling them to scale their workforce up or down based on project needs, and allowing them to avoid the long-term commitment of permanent hires.

If you’re looking for IT Staffing in NYC, find out why CRA is the right fit for you!

CRA IT staffing solutions include

  • Helpdesk Support: Our helpdesk support team provides timely and effective assistance to resolve your IT issues and minimize downtime.
  • Desktop Engineering: Desktop engineering services guarantee that your desktop environments are optimized and secure to enhance user productivity.
  • Network Engineering: Network engineering experts design, implement, and maintain robust network infrastructures to keep your business connected and efficient.
  • System Engineering: Our system engineering services ensure that your IT systems are reliable, scalable, and aligned with your business goals.
  • Voice/Data Engineer: Voice/data engineers specialize in integrating and managing your communication systems to promote seamless and secure data flow.
  • Procurement Specialist: Streamline the acquisition of IT hardware and software, optimizing costs and ensuring compliance with our procurement specialists.
  • Project Management: Project managers oversee IT projects from inception to completion, making sure they are delivered on time and within budget.
  • Technical Trainer: Technical trainers provide comprehensive training programs to equip your team with the necessary skills to leverage new technologies.
  • IT Auditor: Our IT auditors conduct thorough assessments of your IT processes and systems to ensure they meet industry standards and regulatory requirements
  • Security Analyst: Security analysts monitor and protect your IT infrastructure against potential threats while ensuring both data integrity and confidentiality.
  • Security Engineer: Safeguard your business from cyber threats by allowing our security engineers to design and implement advanced security measures.
  • Business Analyst: Business analysts bridge the gap between IT and business, ensuring your technology solutions align with your strategic objectives.
  • Database Administrator: Our database administrators manage and optimize your databases.
  • Application Developer: Application developers create custom software solutions tailored to meet your unique business needs and drive innovation.
  • Application Support Analyst: Application support analysts provide ongoing support and maintenance so that your applications run smoothly.
  • QA Analyst: Our QA analysts rigorously test your software to ensure it meets quality standards and delivers a seamless user experience.
  • Data Architect: Data architects design and implement scalable data architectures that support your business intelligence and analytics needs.
  • Data Analyst: Data analysts can transform raw data into actionable insights, helping you make more informed business decisions.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us today to inquire about additional services.

IT Staffing NYC: What Distinguishes Us Among IT Staffing Companies


IT staffing in New York

Hiring should be a process in which meticulous attention is paid to every detail, but as with all the demands facing businesses, the process is often rushed. Take advantage of CRA’s experience and expertise, which includes the following tried and true IT staffing procedures:

  1. Needs Assessment: Just because you have a vacant position doesn’t mean you should fill it with just anyone. CRA believes in assessing needs and resources to discover the most effective hiring solutions. Can a position be eliminated through attrition? Is an additional position needed? Should a job description be changed? We thoroughly examine your staffing model to help you make the best decisions for your bottom line.
  2. Search & Advertising: We have access to several avenues for posting and finding strong candidates for the positions you need to fill in your organization. Our extensive network and strategic partnerships enable us to reach top-tier talent quickly and efficiently to help your job openings get maximum visibility.
  3. Rigorous Screening: Candidates aren’t simply profiles on paper; there is far more to their story. Our rigorous, tested, and proven screening procedures uncover the deeper aspects of candidates’ skills, experience, and cultural fit. We conduct thorough background checks, skill assessments, and behavioral interviews to make sure that only the most qualified candidates move forward in the process.
  4. Candidate Selection: Only after thorough vetting are candidates selected. Our selection process is designed to be comprehensive and discerning, ensuring that the candidates we recommend have not only the technical skills but also the soft skills necessary to thrive in your organization.
  5. Candidate Approval: Several metrics are used to vet candidates to determine the best fit for the position and to secure approval from appropriate stakeholders. We involve key decision-makers in the final selection process, providing detailed candidate profiles and assessment results to facilitate informed decision-making.
  6. Performance Evaluation: Candidates are assessed for performance to ensure that all team members operate effectively and participate in a healthy, functioning team. We follow up with both the candidate and the employer to monitor progress and provide support as needed, ensuring a smooth transition and long-term success.

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today for a free evaluation!

    If you’re searching for IT staffing in NYC, then you already know the value of having a trusted IT recruiter who can help you manage your tech strategies and goals. At Computer Resources of America (CRA), we specialize in helping businesses and organizations with both short-term and long-term staffing needs. With over 30 years of experience, our IT staffing services have become a cornerstone for companies looking to optimize their technology workforce.

    Here's how CRA can support your business:

    • Meeting project deadlines: Meeting project deadlines is critical. Delays can lead to increased costs and missed opportunities. CRA provides skilled IT professionals who can step in quickly, ensuring that your projects stay on track. Our rapid deployment of qualified candidates allows your teams to maintain momentum and deliver results on time.
    • Satisfying talent shortages: The IT industry often faces talent shortages, making it challenging to find the right people with the necessary skills. CRA bridges this gap by connecting you with a vast network of IT professionals. Whether you need experts in cybersecurity, software development, or network engineering, we have the resources to meet your specific needs and address any talent shortages you may encounter.
    • Retaining financial control: Budget constraints are a reality for many businesses, and managing costs effectively is essential. Our IT staffing solutions are designed to provide you with the flexibility to scale your workforce up or down based on your current needs. This approach helps you retain financial control, avoiding the long-term financial commitments associated with permanent hires while still accessing top-tier talent.
    • Sourcing specialized talent: Certain projects and roles require highly specialized skills that are not always easy to find. CRA excels in sourcing specialized talent by leveraging our extensive experience and industry connections. We meticulously match candidates with the specific technical expertise required for your projects, ensuring that you have the right people in place to achieve your technology goals.

    Partnering with CRA for your IT staffing needs in NYC means you benefit from our extensive experience, deep talent pool, and commitment to helping your business succeed. Whether you need to meet tight project deadlines, address talent shortages, manage costs, or find specialized IT professionals, CRA has the solutions to support your strategic objectives.