We’ve compiled a full list of commonly encountered IT terminology that will help you better understand the industry and how it works. By familiarizing yourself with basic computer terms and definitions, you’ll allow yourself to understand manuals, descriptions, and everyday jargon necessary to fully grasp IT products and services.
You’ll find our tech glossary is conveniently laid out below in alphabetical order with an easy navigation interface so you can quickly reference words related to technology.
In addition to our tech terms, you can also find other resources to help you learn more about the role of technology in modern industry, including blogs, whitepapers, and case studies. Though our list of IT terms to know is expansive, if you have any further questions regarding things to know about technology, please contact us.
Infrastructure refers to the physical or virtual resources that together comprise the network. It includes servers, routers, switches, firewalls, ISP connections, etc.
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Infrastructure as a Service refers to one of the platforms within a cloud computing model where hardware, usually physical servers, and other data center equipment, is provided by an external provider and is provisioned and managed for you over the internet.
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An internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides access to the Internet and other related services such as website building and virtual hosting. It serves as the connection between your device(s) and all the other hosts on the Internet.
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