Designing in the Cloud: How Architects are Using Cloud-Based Tools


From Collaboration to Cost Efficiency, Cloud Computing Gives Architects an Advantage

Businesses of all kinds are moving their hardware and network resources to the cloud.  Cloud computing technology shifts the burden of hosting and maintaining these resources to the cloud service provider.  This allows businesses to focus on delivering their products and services, with many added benefits.  Cost savings, greater data security, and enhanced resource accessibility are just a few perks of cloud computing. Architects and other design professionals can use cloud-based tools to their advantage in many other ways, too.

Deepen Your Collaborations

Cloud-based applications can open the door to deeper collaborations at every phase of project development.  For example, architects can cloud-based tools to:

  • Import designs from libraries of existing projects.  These can be launch points for brainstorming and design discussions, all accessible remotely.
  • Create, collaborate, and edit in real time.  On the cloud, you can make the latest versions of your designs instantly available to your clients.  Cloud computing technology facilitates real-time collaborations, with robust programs for editing and critiquing works-in-progress.
  • Impress with accessibility. Some cloud-based tools also allow access and manipulation of 3D models through the web. This means your current or prospective clients have your designs available without running the native software themselves.

Increase Your Computing Power

With cloud computing, you’ll have cutting edge hardware to be sure your software runs seamlessly. In addition, a team of experts will upgrade and maintain both as needed. You’ll also enjoy:

  • Flexible storage options.  If you need more space, all you need to do is ask.  You can adjust your hardware needs to streamline your budget on the fly as new projects begin.
  • Faster rendering times.  By using off-site computing power for 3D rendering, you can save local resources for other aspects of your work.  Capitalize on the computing power the cloud offers instead of waiting overnight to see your design come to life.  
  • Unparalleled data security.  Why risk progress (and profit) to data loss?  Let cloud services help protect your work.

Work More Efficiently

  • Coordinate workflow.  Choose a cloud-based project planning application so that you and your clients can track each phase of a project’s completion.  From concept development to final billing, you can ensure everyone’s expectations are clear and met.
  • Travel light. Keeping all your design resources online means they’re accessible wherever you have internet access.  No need to lug around physical media when you can deliver work presentations for clients through online presentation programs. Cloud-based tools can also send your designs to 3D printing services when you’re traveling.

Ready to Move Your Business Resources to the Cloud?  Let CRA Help!

CRA advises and supports architects and clients across a variety of design disciplines.  Are you ready to transition your business environment to the cloud?  Please contact us to receive a free evaluation.  Let us set up the private, public, or hybrid cloud tailored to your business’s needs.