How Healthcare Is Improving With The Use Of Augmented & Virtual Reality Technology

Reality technologies, like augmented and virtual reality, are transforming more than just the gaming industry. They are changing vital services, including healthcare. Today’s post explores how reality technology is advancing medical treatment and education.
Reality Technology and Healthcare
Video games and medicine? It’s actually not that crazy of a combination.
Augmented and Virtual Reality Improve Doctor Education
Medical students and those who have watched television are familiar with the arena-style operating theaters that allow hopeful doctors and others to watch a surgery. But is this really the best type of education? There’s tremendous distance and no hands-on interaction. But now there’s an opportunity for students to engage more. Medical schools can leverage virtual reality to provide students with a safe, hands-on experience in surgeries using this tech.
When medical students are able to have this type of personal, virtually hands-on practice there is more opportunity for growth and feedback from professors who can view tapes of the procedures and offer customized feedback. This also means that if many students are struggling with a particular procedure there is data showing this and professors know where to focus remedial instruction.
Medical schools that provide this type of learning are likely to gain a competitive edge.
Increased Access to Treatment
Another way that reality technology is changing the face of medicine is through access. Just like telehealth can get a person who is geographically isolated diagnosis and possibly treatment, virtual reality does the same. Surgeries are conducted over great distances using remote controls and cameras. Headsets and gaming gloves allow for surgeons thousands of miles away to perform surgeries they are more equipped for than a local, rural hospital.
Progressive Treatment
One of the most interesting advances in healthcare thanks to reality technology is the treatment of Phantom Limb Pain. Amputees often feel their missing limb clench. This leads to pain and distraction as well as having a psychological effect on the patient. Doctors are studying a successful case of allowing amputees to hook up to technology to create an altered reality for their brains. The brain controls a limb on a computer using their brain. The performance of simple tasks allows the brain to learn how to “turn off” the neurological activities that cause the clenching in the first place. This type of medical treatment is life-changing for veterans, accident victims and others who have suffered the trauma of losing a limb.
Computer Resources of America Understands Healthcare Technologies
CRA provides informational blogs to help propel businesses into the type of forward-thinking, progressive use of technology that gives them an edge. This month we’re exploring tech and healthcare.