How to Build a Technology Roadmap for Your Nonprofit Organization


Crafting a Plan for Technology Will Put You on the Path to Success

A technology roadmap is a plan that defines your technology needs in the context of your organization’s mission.  By matching your goals to specific technologies, you can immediately increase your efficiency. In looking ahead, you can also anticipate your future needs to form a highly effective strategy for success.

How Technology Can Shape a Nonprofit Organization’s Future

  • Improving volunteer and customer experiences.  Technology can make your nonprofit organization more visible and more accessible.  Mobile technology and social media have particularly transformed the nonprofit’s landscape.  Software designers also continue improving user interfaces for customers, donors, and volunteers.
  • Protecting precious resources.  Cloud computing can help nonprofits streamline their budgets and scale on the fly.  It can also protect data and deliver it on demand for nonprofits with multiple locations.
  • Boosting your analytics. Data is one of the most valuable assets nonprofits have.  For example, you can use analytics to finely tune your social media strategies. How effective are you in getting your message to people who donate, for example?  Analytics can help you better target and retain volunteers, members, patrons, and other supporters.

Tailoring Your Plan to Your Unique Mission

Every nonprofit organization has its own unique set of needs, resources, and obstacles.  When it’s time to craft your technology roadmap, you should:

  • Consider the current state of your technology.  What is working for you?  What do you need?  Brainstorming sessions with your volunteers and other technology users are vital.
  • Define your objectives clearly.  Which parts of your nonprofit organization’s goals are routinely met?  Which need work?  Your founder, funding sources, and other decision makers will help plot your destination.
  • Align your technology with your goals. How do specific technologies match your short-term and long-term goals?  Collaboration between tech users and your organization’s steering committee will determine your path.
  • Anticipate internal obstacles. Part of your roadmap should include strategies for dealing with obstacles as they arise.  Are your users likely to fear new technology, for example?  If so, you can include training sessions and offer ample time for the transitions.  Sharing your technology roadmap with volunteers can help them anticipate changes and adjust their expectations, too.  
  • Embrace external support.  Consulting services like CRA will help you after implementing your plan.  We can adapt your roadmap as users test new technology and evaluate its usefulness, too.  Successful work environments can evolve quickly.  So does technology, so let us keep you on the cutting edge!

Your Technology Roadmap to Success

CRA’s vCIOManage360 service included in our Manage360° offering  can help align your organizational initiatives with a clear strategic vision for technology.  Please contact us for an evaluation to learn how we can transform your business with our technology solutions.