Unified Communications and the Architecture/ Construction Industries

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How Unified Communications can Increase Productivity and Allow You to Work Smarter

Today’s architecture and construction leaders know that their businesses, more than many others, are site-based rather than face-to-face.  With people scattered around a state, country, or even the globe how can these businesses stay connected and productive?  Unified communications can help in many ways. Below we will touch on three of these ways.

What is UC?

Unified Communications is defined as “an emerging set of technologies that automate and unify human and device communications”.  Because it combines a variety of communication modes it reduces latency, manages flows and eliminates device and media dependencies.  By having a holistic communication solution, UC allows for quicker, targeted communication without excess cost, equipment, and software.

Cut Costs Through UC & BYOD

In a business landscape where only 1 in 5 workers work exclusively in the office more and more rely on their personal devices and more companies are open to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).  Unified Communications and BYOD go hand in hand when managed appropriately and allow employees to communicate over nearly any device no matter where they are.

In addition to saving on tech costs, travel costs are cut significantly when collaboration and communication can be handled virtually.

Be More Productive

Unified Communications allow for a better use of time and communication.  A project manager at the construction site can IM a colleague in the office with a question, from there the communication can be turned into a multitude of helpful conversations: a voice or video call, a screen share, or other modes of communicating that work cross-device, while including all the needed people at once.  Productivity is increased because communication is face-to-face without having to share the same location.

Soft Cost Savings

What many managers and business owners do not realize is the tremendous soft cost savings allowed through Unified Services.  Soft costs are often overlooked because they can be difficult to quantify.  Consider the time saved through communicating more easily.  Because UC can be handled over a broad spectrum of devices, colleagues can reach each other in countless ways:

  • Site-based employees can work through a problem with executives who are in their offices or elsewhere saving time and travel expenses.
  • Plans can be approved and changes made instantaneously through document and screen sharing.
  • Employees can pick up a device whenever they have a moment (even while doing something not related to their professional life) to view and respond to messages.

Save Time

Employees can use devices that they’re already comfortable with and can troubleshoot on their own for minor issues.  Company-wide trainings on unfamiliar platforms vanish and time is spent on what it should be: the work. 

Site-based construction workers, like project managers, can accomplish a task without the coordination of schedules and loss of time that happens in more traditional modes of communicating.  Again, there are savings to be realized by being more productive, accessible and not having waste time and move on traveling.

Before You Jump In

UC is the way to go for most industries, especially for field-based industries like architecture and construction, were staff are constantly traveling to different projects. Keep in mind that there are facets to consider including acceptable use policies and norms for using UC. 

As with any new technology, it is important to work with IT personnel to avoid vulnerabilities from a security standpoint.  Consider training staff on how to use public and private Wi-Fi networks in the safest of ways.  Many people may not realize the risks associated with public Wi-Fi like saving passwords on a device that is accessing the network publicly.  It is also always a good idea to engage with staff on how to appropriately use the work network and software.

Computer Resources of America is an IT solution provider that offers UC and VoIP services for any business size. For more information you can contact us at 212-376-4040 or drop us a line here.

