What Is Legal E-Discovery?

Legal electronic discovery (legal eDiscovery for short) is when electronically stored information (ESI) is collected, reviewed, and tagged systematically to be used in court cases. This process is vital because legal firms go through a lot of documents daily. Managing documents is a time-consuming task as they need to be scanned and tagged, data has to be converted, amended, transferred, etc.
Attorneys need to review several documents to obtain facts and evidence for their cases. eDiscovery collection helps lawyers search through files electronically, which means that scanning legal documents is integral to the process. It makes it easier for legal teams, saving resources and time.
What’s the Importance of E-Discovery Software in the Legal Industry?
The information that is collected ultimately gets sent into evidence. Over the past many years, it was common for both legal parties to exchange hundreds of boxes worth of documents. Now, that discovery process has been revolutionized through technology, and we can generate documents electronically.
Texts, images, documents, emails, etc., are essential for both civil and criminal cases. And that’s not all; both sides have to ensure that the important documents are identified, cataloged, and shared so they can access all the information.
eDiscovery technology helps law firms with this process so that electronic documents can be shared in court. It also allows attorneys to gather valuable information about different matters in a cost-effective, quick, and risk-free way.
Legal eDiscovery is just one crucial aspect relevant to the legal industry. Several other trends from this year that law firms should look out for.
E-Discovery Process Advantages
Legal eDiscovery analytics AI has advanced rapidly over recent years, making the process speedier and more convenient. The latest eDiscovery software has made the lives of lawyers easier in some of the following ways:
1. It’s Cost-Effective
Any legal firm would want to save on costs in whatever way they can. Using litigation discovery software is relatively inexpensive in comparison with other methods to gather evidence. Scanning documents can be costly in the start but ultimately will be money and time-saving.
2. Saves Time
Lawyers spend hours upon hours researching and collecting data on cases, which can affect their thinking ability. eDiscovery software helps attorneys gather evidence quickly, meaning that lawyers have more time to spend on other pressing matters related to their case.
3. Easy And Quick Access
One of the most important eDiscovery process advantages is that crucial documents shared between the opposition and yourself can be quickly accessed. If you need to look at a particular part of a document, you do not need to read through all your documents to find it; you can use the search option and type in the keyword to find it.
4. Improved Team Workflow
Instead of legal teams manually processing documents, eDiscovery technology can help the firm improve its workflow by creating a more organized and efficient system.
Computer Resources of America
The eDiscovery process has made it easier for law firms to identify, collect and produce ESI for legal cases. It has become an integral part of proceedings from websites, presentations, emails, audio and video files, databases, documents, social media, and voicemail.
Using outsourced eDiscovery integrations can be the most cost-effective solution and one that takes most of the workload off of the lawyer’s shoulders.
With 25 years of experience serving in New York City and the tri-state area, we are experts at providing managed information technology, cloud storage solutions, IT consulting, and IT staffing. Please contact us today with any questions you may have.