Redesigning Community Spaces: Architecture Trends for the Future

When it comes to the rethinking and redesigning of community spaces, architecture firms are looking to the near past to imagine the future.
The coronavirus pandemic put into stark contrast the many ways that current spaces might fail to meet our needs moving forward. And in 2021, architecture design trends are about adapting to the many unforeseen circumstances that the previous year brought into focus, with actionable steps that put the focus on safety and efficiency—and on shoring up community spaces for whatever might be to come.
Some of the pivots in community spaces—architecture driven and otherwise—are a direct result of safety measures put in place by the pandemic, such as the need to accommodate social distancing and other health and safety best practices. Other considerations are intended to ensure that if and when the next big crisis hits, our workforces are better suited for adaptation.
The future of community spaces lies at the intersection of architecture and illness prevention as much as it does with innovation and creativity in design. With that in mind, here are trends we can expect to see moving forward, plus key considerations to keep in mind as you optimize your own space.
COVID-19 and the Future of Office Spaces
The pandemic is hardly the first global health crisis to interrupt the working world, but it’s undeniably going to have a long-lasting impact on the way that we conceive of and design public spaces—especially the modern office environment.
In terms of community spaces, architecture trends are likely to be as focused on disease prevention as they are on form and function, at least in the immediate future as public spaces begin to open back up and we return to our “normal” mode of work and life.
Here are some of the features that are at the top of emerging trends:
Structural changes
2020 may have marked the end of the open concept open space, which was already on its way out regardless. In its place, expect more creatively structured spaces that allow for flexibility for individual work and collaboration. Office spaces may get smaller, too, as organizations invest in more remote tools and technologies.
Other unique structural changes to watch out for: increased ventilation in all public spaces and fewer shared flat surfaces where germs can spread.
Design changes
The design changes coming to office spaces mirror the structural changes in many ways—think spaced out workspaces and a priority on natural light and fresh air. And to accommodate collaboration, many offices will likely be inputting pod rooms, which are designated spaces for team members to work together that are completely separate from the main office environment.
Other Trends to Consider
The changes in community spaces will be apparent in small ways as well as the larger ones mentioned above—including not just in the design and structure of a space but in how people interact within it.
So, what does that look like? There are three big considerations at the forefront of future engagement in community spaces:
- Redefining the essential worker. Who needs to be in the office and who doesn’t? As they rethink their physical spaces, organizations are also rethinking who needs to inhabit them, with a stronger focus on remote possibilities and facilitating working from home—or from anywhere, really.
- Substitutes for in-person interactions. With more remote work comes more need for tech solutions that allow collaboration from a distance. Businesses are expected to heavily invest in these tools, and to better integrate them into their existing space and practice.
- Touchless technology. Within physical spaces there is a strong need to reduce contact between workers, something that will be achieved by equipping everyone with their own, personalized tech tools, as well as taking additional steps to enable collaboration between these tools.
Does your organization need help getting up to speed? At Computer Resources of America, we offer targeted consulting services to assist with architectural design, business continuity, and the advancement of your IT department—all of it driven toward ensuring you never fall behind.
We’re located in and service New York City and the tri-state area, and are always accepting new clients. Get in touch today to learn more, and adapt in ways that will be safe and profitable for your workplace.