The Importance Of Having A Cybersecurity Culture In Your Workforce

Cybersecurity Culture In Your Workforce

A Clark School study from the University of Maryland aimed at cybersecurity culture, reveals that hackers attack every 39 seconds, and one in three Americans are affected by these efforts each year.

While it doesn’t take much in the way of time or money to strengthen our digital defenses, many people don’t do it simply because they do not grasp the severity of the situation or they do not realize their systems may be vulnerable. Using simple login credentials or cracked software, not updating applications or your OS, and even the absence of email filters can make us vulnerable to cyber threats.  

Now, more than ever, we need to strengthen our internal and external cybersecurity protocols, because cybercriminals have grown stronger. They are better equipped to leverage common security flaws to their advantage and spy, steal, deceive, and carry out fraudulent activities.

This is why we need to protect our digital assets proficiently and create a unified cybersecurity culture across organizations at large.

Creating A Company Culture For Security

Cybercriminals try to find potential targets that can be easily breached – and when it comes to businesses, each employee operating on the company’s intranet or cloud is a potential gateway.

This means that if an employee does not have a secure device, uses less-secure credentials, etc. – a cybercriminal can use their device as a doorway to access the company’s vital information.

Take the following three steps when creating a company culture for cybersecurity:

  1. Involve employees with different roles across the organization to lead the security charge. On the off chance, your company faces a breach; every employee will be held accountable.
  2. Incorporate your cybersecurity policies in all communication mediums and materials such as mission statements, employee handbook, etc.
  3. Be appreciative of employees who play a vital role in strengthening cybersecurity.

Elements That Comprise A Healthy Security Culture

Once you have established your security process, use the below steps and tips to establish a strong, healthy culture:

  • Secure personal devices used by employees, make sure that they keep work apps and social media accounts separate
  • Ensure that employees have amended their privacy settings to avoid leakage of business information.
  • Update company credentials with highly secure usernames and passwords
  • Ensure all employees use two-factor authentication
  • Train your employees to avoid clicking dubious links
  • Provide employees with a VPN, especially if they are working remotely
  • Encrypt your data, which makes it useless even if breached, etc.

Moreover, you also need to ensure that vulnerabilities are taken care of on all fronts, internally and externally.

Impact Of Cyber Security On Business

With strict protocols in place and an insider threat model in place to counter potential breaches, your company will reap the following benefits:

  • There will not be any breaches or leaks of vital information and the organization’s critical assets
  • Employee personal information is kept safe such as usernames and passwords, social security numbers, emails, etc.
  • Damage and interruption of the company’s network from outside forces is significantly reduced
  • Customer data is kept safe from prying eyes
  • Cybercriminals cannot access data for monetary gains or espionage

Additionally, inherent issues in company policies are also addressed and rectified ASAP. These issues arise when your employees are recruited by rival firms; they can share your information such as customer lists, and how you strengthen company security.

Therefore, some strict guidelines can be put in place to cater to developments, legally requiring employees to keep personal information to themselves.

How Can CRA Help?

If you want to strengthen your organization’s internal and external cybersecurity, but you’re not sure how to check all the right boxes, then contact our team today.

With over 25 years of experience in providing Transformational Managed IT Support, we know the importance of having a strong cybersecurity culture.

With us at your service, all your documents and digital media files will be safeguarded against all potential breaches and vulnerabilities. Get in touch with us to learn more about our cybersecurity work measures.